February 25, 2019
by David Ryan

Wandering Through the Bosque in Early Spring

February 2 is much more than Groundhog Day. It is the midpoint between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Groundhog Day itself is derived from the religious feast of Candlemas and has roots going back way further. In a time when your life depended upon the natural rhythm of the seasons, it was extremely important to be aware of the coming changes and to note critical milestones with special celebrations. (Halloween shares the same distinction as it is the midpoint between the Fall Equinox and the Winter Solstice.)

The Rio Grande Bosque (cottonwood forest) is a great place to walk anytime of the year. There is always something special to see and no better place to observe the change and cycle of seasons. The bosque is featured in Hikes 4, 11, and 13 of the just released 3rd Edition of 60 Hikes within 60 Miles: Albuquerque.

As you enter the bosque, if you’re fortunate, you might see a flock of sandhill cranes flying overhead. The cranes begin heading north from their Winter feeding grounds in the central Rio Grande valley of New Mexico right around Groundhog Day and will continue to do so until the last stragglers leave in early March.

If you look toward the ground, there is a good chance that you’ll see new growth starting to sprout. And if you cast your gaze toward the trees, you might notice a tinge of life in the branches as the trees slowly wake up from their dormancy and start pumping nutrients to their far branches. The branches will soon have buds and blossoms to start a new cycle of seasons.

As you can see new growth is popping up everywhere.

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January 29, 2019
by David Ryan

60 Hikes within 60 Miles: Albuquerque – 3rd Edition

The new edition of 60 Hikes with 60 Miles: Albuquerque has finally been printed and is now available for purchase. You should start seeing books at your local area retailer and on Amazon in the next few weeks. In the meantime, you can order a book online right now directly from the publisher Menasha Ridge.

Several book events have already been scheduled and more are in the works. They will soon be added to the Events tab on this website.

A new tab, 60 Hikes, has also been added to this website. 60 Hikes has information on the book and a list of all of 60 hikes. Just click on a Hike to see if there have been any updates or changes since the book was written.

Updates and changes will be posted as soon as I learn of them. If you know of any update or change to a hike, please email directly at davidryan@msn.com so I can get that information on the website.

When the Menasha Ridge folks asked me to provide my thoughts on what it was like to work on the book and some of the hikes, I provided the following: Continue Reading →

December 27, 2018
by David Ryan

Wandering Along the Border with Mexico

With all the hoopla and now a government shut-down about a border wall, my dog Petey and I spent a couple of days wandering along the Arizona – New Mexico border last summer to see what was actually on the border with Mexico.

We began our journey in the Bisbee area in southeastern Arizona and headed east. If you were to take a similar jaunt, the first thing you would notice is that Border Patrol agents and vehicles seem to be everywhere.

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