October 27, 2014
by David Ryan
1 Comment

The Bisbee 1000

A week ago Saturday I finally made it to the Bisbee 1000. The 1000 is an annual stair climb race held in Bisbee, Arizona on the third Saturday of every October. Background information on the Bisbee 1000 can be found in my book, The Bisbee Stairs.

After its being on my “to do” list for several years, I finally made it to the 1000 but not as a participant, rather to sell copies of the Bisbee stair book. From my vantage point in front of the courthouse, I had clear view of the starting gate, the finish line, and where the course crosses itself. The course is more or less a figure eight across old Bisbee that loops back and crosses in front of the starting gate.

Although the course is only 4.5 miles long, it is much tougher than its distance implies. In addition to several steep uphills and downhills on the road, runners have to run up nine stairways for a total of 1094 steps; thus the name Bisbee 1000. A world class runner would be hard pressed to run the race in less than 30 minutes.

Pictures of many of those nine stairways can be found in previous posts on Bisbee in this blog. All of them plus many more are described in the book.

Here's stairway number 5 on the course. This one has 151 steps. You run up this stairway right after running up the 75 steps of stairway number 4.

Here’s stairway number 5 on the course. This one has 151 steps. You run up this stairway right after running up the 75 steps of stairway number 4.

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October 2, 2014
by David Ryan
1 Comment

Running into a Rattlesnake while Wandering in the Backcountry

Last week the dogs and I put on our Bureau of Land Management volunteer hats and went out to the backcountry to check on the condition of a couple of Air Force helicopter landing zones. The Air Force has several of these in remote corners of public land to practice night time maneuvering.

This happens to be the center point of the landing zone.

This happens to be the center point of the landing zone.

A helicopter landing zone may not be all that exciting, but it is a good excuse to get out into the backcountry.

A helicopter landing zone may not be all that exciting, but it is a good excuse to get out into the backcountry.

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September 19, 2014
by David Ryan

The Bisbee Stairs Book Is Now Available


If you’ve been following this blog, you may recall that my dog Petey and I made many trips to Bisbee, Arizona earlier this year to climb stairs. Portions of those trips were featured in several posts in this blog. After months of research, writing, and design the Bisbee stairs book is finally here.

The book includes maps and directions for climbing 82 of Bisbee’s stairways. The stairways average 78 steps. 22 of them have over 100 steps. The book also describes several hiking trails to extend your climb high into the hills above Bisbee.

Even more important, the book has over 70 pictures of what you can find along the way. Most of them are complete surprises. You will be challenged to find a town more interesting than Bisbee, Arizona. It is an explorer’s delight. I hope the book will inspire you to take a trip to Bisbee and find out for yourself.

If you would like a copy of The Bisbee Stairs: Exploring the Stairways, Trails, and Hidden Corners of Bisbee, Arizona, you can order it on this website for $12.00 plus $1.50 shipping. If you buy more than one book (any title), shipping is free.

The book is also available at several locations in the Bisbee area and on Amazon. Please contact me for the nearest retailer.