February 17, 2012
by David Ryan

Public Land Survey System

To wrap up the discussion on maps and GPS (see the post, GPS Settings), it is worth mentioning the Public Land Survey System (PLSS). Understanding something about how PLSS describes land can help you in find a parcel of land on a map, in Google Earth or on the ground.  The PLSS is how most of the country outside of the eastern seaboard is legally described. Continue Reading →

February 17, 2012
by David Ryan

GPS Settings

A GPS is not a requirement for venturing outdoors or for wandering in the backcountry. People have been visiting the backcountry long before there were GPS devices. If you pay attention to landmarks and where you are in relation to landmarks, you can navigate in the backcountry without a GPS. But if you do have a GPS, it can certainly be a help. Continue Reading →