Have you ever walked through utopia? Or been to a place so quiet and peaceful that you hear sound rather than noise? Or been somewhere that offers a place for contemplation on almost every turn you make? My dog Petey and I found all of this and more when we spent a morning wandering around New Harmony, Indiana.
New Harmony is located in the southwest corner of the state. It began in 1814 when George Rapp and a group of German Lutherans moved from Pennsylvania to build a utopian community on the banks of the Wabash River.
Ten years later they returned to Pennsylvania and sold their community to a wealthy industrialist, Robert Owen, who wanted to build his own utopian community based upon science and reason. His efforts failed two years later.
Although the two 19th-Century utopian communities did not last, a sense of utopia still prevails in New Harmony. Yes, there are historical buildings. But of greater importance is the continuing presence of peace and tranquility.
Here is what Petey and I discovered when we wandered around New Harmony on a perfect day in early May.

We parked our car just outside of New Harmony’s famous roofless church that was designed by noted architect Phillip Johnson in 1960 and started our walk. We’ll get back to the church later.
Our walk took us down a gravel path toward the Wabash River. We ran into this statue and many other interesting items along the way.
As we continued walking, the only sounds, other than our footsteps, were of birds chirping and squirrels chattering. And every tree seemed to have a bright red cardinal going about its business. There were even sycamores growing on the banks of the Wabash. You may recall that sycamores are prominently featured in the 19th-Century song (and the official song of the State of Indiana), On the Banks of the Wabash – Far Away.
In many places the Wabash was overflowing its banks with spring floods.
We soon came upon a small chapel dedicated to Francis of Assisi.
Overlooking the chapel was this statue of St. Francis.
There were more statues and quiet places as we continued.
We then turned on another path that took us back toward town and other peaceful places.
This eventually brought us to Paul Tillich park. Paul Tillich was a 20th-Century existentialist theologian and intellectual. His ashes were placed here after his death in 1965.
As you can see this is not a kids park. Instead it is a place for quiet walking and contemplation. The park brought us back to the roofless church with plenty of more walking to do.
To either side there are gathering areas and quiet places to sit.
When we left the church, we were in the historic area with its carefully restored buildings.
New Harmony has even built a wonderful visitor’s center, designed by noted architect Richard Meier (he designed the Getty Center in Los Angeles) just outside the historic area. Petey and I did not make it to the visitor’s center on this trip.
Our wandering adventure did not end in the historic area. There was still more for us to discover. One of them was this relatively new labyrinth based on the one on the floor of Chartres Cathedral in France.

The little park with the labyrinth is next to the cemetery of the original utopian community. If you look beyond the brick wall, you might notice that there are no headstones or any other type of marker in the cemetery. You might notice a bump or two in the cemetery. They are old Indian burial mounds from several hundred years ago.
New Harmony has another labyrinth a pleasant walk away. It is a reconstruction of the one built by the original utopian community and is made of hedges.

I wish I could have taken this picture from a tall ladder so I could better show the concentric rings within the hedges.
I wish there was time to show everything that New Harmony has to offer. But you have to draw the line somewhere. Trust me that there is more. But I do want to show one more outstanding contemplative garden and sitting area.
I hope you agree with me that New Harmony is a very special place, and if your travels take you across southern Indiana, you won’t regret making a detour to visit it.
June 7, 2023 at 3:13 pm
Beautiful Pictures! I think you missed a great place to “wander.” The Working Men’s Institute! It’s a hidden gem here in Utopia!
March 26, 2018 at 8:52 am
I have posted every one of those views on Facebook over the last 2.5 years….usually on walks with my puppy Clutch….we walk daily…..all except that 1st pic….where is that? probably been there but don’t recognize the angle…..
March 26, 2018 at 10:01 am
Thanks so much for writing.
The picture of the gravel lane at the top of the post is on all of the posts as a representation of wandering. The first New Harmony picture of St. Francis and birds was taken north of Tillich Park on the east side of the pond.
Thanks again,
David Ryan
June 30, 2017 at 8:31 pm
Always remember hearing about this place but seeing pictures of it is incredible. Looks quite peaceful. Fun to see Peteys refelexion in that glass.
June 21, 2017 at 2:05 pm
Looks great David. I wish I were there.
June 20, 2017 at 5:12 pm
Beautifully written and great photos! I have fond memories of visiting New Harmony with you and Claudia (and 3 dogs).
June 18, 2017 at 8:35 pm
Thank you, David! This is a truly outstanding representation of your trip to New Harmony! Every picture is a treasure, inspiring some homesickness for my Midwestern roots. The T. S. Elliot poem is so beautiful and I would like to ask, if you are coming to our solstice celebration on Tuesday, that you offer it as a reading to our group. And you even managed to uncover a Merton quote on these sacred premises! Bravo all around for this excellent Wanderings submission!
June 18, 2017 at 6:53 pm
Hi David, nice to see you back. It’s been quite awhile since we were Blessed by your trips and pictures. This one is as beautiful as the rest. I especially like them because as I write this it’s 118 outside in Henderson, Nv.
June 18, 2017 at 6:45 pm
Looks like a great place to visit.
June 18, 2017 at 6:24 pm
What a lovely place!